The Architect Of Modern Ijebu Igbo Kingdom
(An Unforgettable Hero)

By ADEBAYO S. A. (Dr.Saint)

The Late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo at his graveside described the Late Oba Joel Adeboye as “one of the most progressive and enlightened natural rulers in Nigeria. He was a class by himself, a benevolent and constitutional ruler.” From the history, the late Oba Adeboye during his reign from 1947 to 1955 was indeed a true reflection of what Chief Obafemi Awolowo described him to be after his death. He was known as the first formally educated King in the history of Ijebu Igbo and his crowning was more of giant strides to the astronomical development of the town, in which he was acknowledged by all as the architect of a modern Ijebu Igbo kingdom.

Prior to his ascension as Orimolusi, born on Dec 8th, 1909 as Joel Sowunmi Sonuga, he was trained as nurse in Baptist Hospital, Ogbomoso. His education coupled with his sixteen years of working experience in the public services both as a teacher and a medical officer made him to be outstanding in the comity of traditional rulers in Ijebuland. Late Oba Joel Adeboye was renowned to be very intelligent, charismatic, extremely handsome, energetic and an indomitable figure. He was a political genius, administrative wizard, an achiever with great repute and an Oba whose memory in the history will be difficult to erase in entire Orimolusi kingdom.

Although he reigned for a short period of eight years, yet he launched Ijebu Igbo into an unprecedented era of both economic and infrastructural developments. During his reign, his numerous achievements include Apoje Farm Project in 1950, Modern Post Office constructed in 1952, Town Planning Authority established in 1948, Leper Settlement established in 1951, first Secondary School, MOLUSI COLEGE founded in 1949, revival of annual Agemo festival in 1951, facilitation of Town Hall construction, influencing the asphalt tarring of the major road of the town, bringing electricity to the town, introduction of bank in Ijebu Igbo called *AGBON-MAGBE* Bank in 1950 which now metamorphosed into Wema Bank Plc, establishment of N.P.F. in 1955 and placing a ban on fraudulent bride price – pegged dowry at 12pounds, 10shillings. Traditionally, Oba Joel Adeboye would be ever remembered for his role in the restoration of the beaded crown which the Awujale, Oba Daniel Adesanya had seized from his predecessor, Oba Abraham Adesemowo on 17th Feb, 1942. With his ascension, the cause was pursued vigorously and the confiscated beaded crown was eventually recovered in 1950.

With the 1954 Macphersson Constitution, “Ijebu Divisional Council (IDC)” was established in 1955. Amazingly, Oba Joel Adeboye emerged the first elected Chairman of the IDC on its inauguration in 1955, defeating the then Awujale, Oba Daniel Adesanya in a hotly contested election. He then used the privilege of the position to influence and fight relentlessly for a complete Autonomy from any form of outside domination. He led a delegation of Ijebu Igbo Elite to register protest before the Minister of Local Government. This, the Honourable Minister explained could only be achieved provided the Ijebu Igbo community would be prepared to be paying some forms of monetary compensation to the Awujale before the Government could induce him (Awujale) to grant Ijebu Igbo the independence. But unfortunately, it was at the peak of the negotiation as to the amount of money to be paid before Awujale could grant the Autonomy that the Oba Joel Adeboye died on 21st, Sept. 1955, in the plane crash at Tripoli Libya.

Been the Chairman of Ijebu Divisional Council, he was nominated to represent Ijebuland in London Cocoa Alliance Conference slated to hold on 13 – 15th September, at Grosvenor, House London. Because, since the introduction of Cocoa plantation to Ijebu Area around 1893, Ijebu region had remained one among the huge contributors of Cocoa wealth in South West Nigeria. In the call to this national assignment, the then Chairman of Ijebu-Igbo Progressive Society (IPS) Mr. SAMI who eventually succeeded him as Orimolusi, led a delegation to see him off at the national airport in Lagos.

On the September 21st, 1955 when Oba Adeboye was returning from the conference, he never thought the journey would be his last assignment but fate struck and it unexpectedly happened. The Orimolusi was reported to be among the 47 passengers on board a Lagos bound British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Argonaut Aircraft, which crashed at Idris Airport, some 36 kilometers from Tripoli on Wednesday in the night around 8:23pm.

The Argonaut had taken off from London but had a scheduled stopover at Rome. It was recorded that the visibility was so poor and strong winds existed as the aircraft approached the airfield. The first three attempts to land had to be rejected. On the fourth attempt to land, the aircraft descended too low and the plane wing struck trees and crash occurred. According to the reports, there were seven crew occupants and 40 passengers totaling 47 occupants in the plane. Two crew members reportedly died while 13 passengers also died instantly.

The *WILKES-BARRE TIMES,* Pennsylvania on Sept 23, 1955 on page two reported the incident as follows *“BOAC tonight identified 14 of that 15 dead. Among them was His Highness J. A. Orimolusi, a west Nigerian Chieftain returning from a visit to Britain…”* On page 8 of *BALTIMORE SUN*, Maryland on Friday Sept 23, 1955, it was also reported as follow that *“…Thirty-two of the 47 aboarded the four-engined Argonaut survived and the rest died in the flaming wreckages, scattered in three big heaps over a 100 yard radius. The dead includes the plane’s stewards. During the night, His Highness J. A. Orimolusi, a west Nigerian Chief was identified.”* But one of the survivors had a clearer vision of what really happened. He was Mr. Andrew Young, then Chairman of the Cameroon Development Corporation and the Nigeria central Marketing Board. He claimed to be sitting behind the late Orimolusi in the plane when the crash occurred. *“The disaster was sadden, passengers sitting behind me and those beside were killed, and those who died were not confined to any particular part of the plane. Many of the casualties were thrown off their seats.”*

Another survivor recounted his own experience, Mr. E. Schmila, then Manager of Mainland Hotel, Lagos said he was sitting across the aisle from the late Oba Adeboye. He recalled that *”there was no panic in the plane when the pilot gave the notice of the difficulty the plane was in…”* Mr. Francis Uber of the then Northern Information Service on his own said he sat behind the Orimolusi. According to him, he lost consciousness the moment disaster struck and could not remember what happened thereafter. Immediately the sad news broke, the Chief Inspector of Accident in the Ministry of Transportation and Aviation then Mr. P.G. Tweedie, sent three members of his investigation team to the scene in Tripoli for detail investigation.

After the necessary arrangement, the body of Orimolusi was flown back to Lagos in a chartered BOAC plane on Tuesday, Sept 27th, 1955. The body was received at Ikeja Airport by the Late Oba Adeniji Adele of Lagos and his Chiefs, the Western Region Minister of Education, Mr. S. O. Awokoya, the Lagos Town Clerk, Mr. D. O. Akinbiyi and a host of others including the then Mr, D. O. Sami, President of IPS who identified the corpse at the Airport.

Thereafter, the Orimolusi’s body was conveyed in a coffin to a private house along Turton Street, Lagos. From there the body was later convened in a hearse belonging to the Lagos Town Council to Ijebu Igbo where a mammoth crowd of mourners has converged to receive the body of a highly respected and loved traditional father.

With all affirmation, Ijebu Igbo had lost a rare gem! Late Oba Joel Adeboye was frankly an ICON of Nationality. His reign opened up Ijebu Igbo for a solid economic master plan. That was reason during the burial, there was record of a host of dignitaries, especially the personalities from the then Western Region Government including Chief Obafemi Awolowo who trooped to Ijebu Igbo to pay last respect for the outstanding traditional ruler in Nigeria.

Inclusively, if there is anything for which the Ijebu Igbo community will forever remain grateful to the late Oba Adeboye, it is the deforestation of the ancient town. Ijebu Igbo was divided into five parts by dreadful thick forest which was used as ORO grooves and equally hidden haven for the armed robbers. He took the challenge to deforest the ORO grooves, opened up the free links to the five districts, integrated the five towns into one entity, and converted the thick forest to modern market stalls in 1949, turning to Obada, Ojowo/Atikori markets, an initiative that brought economic revolution to the town.

Sadly, the demise of Oba Adeboye was a shock to the entire community as it happened the time it was never expected. He maintained cordial relationship with all the five Olori Ilus, and within the shortest period of eight years recorded a rancor free reign within the community. Late Oba Joel Adeboye Came, Saw, Performed, Conquered and left an indelible mark in the history of Ijebu Igbo developments. Years after his demise, a tenth of his legacy is yet to be achieved. He will forever remain unforgettable in the history of Orimolusi Kingdom.


1909 – 2019 = 110

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